In Network Marketing it's normal to experience extremely high drop out rates, sometimes as high as 95%. People come into the business, or at least they sign up, but then they often fail to build the business. For some of them, signing up is the last official act they do. This happens in spite of our best efforts to train and motivate them. The reasons for this are fairly simple.
First of all, we have made the sign ups absolutely free, and the training is free as well. We did this so literally anyone could build the business no matter their financial situation. The downside of this policy is that if people have nothing invested in the business, they lose nothing but the opportunity if they quit.
Most people come into this business with an employee mentality, expecting to get paid regularly whether they produce or not. When they discover that it takes prolonged effort over a period of time to get results in a network marketing business, they fold up shop and quit. Those who succeed in this business realize they are in this for the long haul, and that what they are investing is their time.
Many people simply never learn to treat it as a business, or to take it seriously. Their participation is occasional and halfhearted at best. If you had any other type business, would you expect to make money operating just a couple hours a week. The business can be built in cracks of time, but only if the affiliate is serious about doing it and treats it as a business.
A big part of the problem is simply human nature. For the most part, people get by doing as little as they possibly can. They are basically lazy, and building this business looks too much like work to them. They have never really learned to apply themselves to anything, thus this type business doesn't appeal to them at all. They are basically looking for something for nothing.
So what does that leave you with? It leaves you with 5% or less who treat this as a serious business, who dedicate themselves to making it happen, and who go on and build it to phenomenal levels. Those are the people who your organization and your business volume is based upon. That is more than enough to take you to any income level you might desire.
First of all, we have made the sign ups absolutely free, and the training is free as well. We did this so literally anyone could build the business no matter their financial situation. The downside of this policy is that if people have nothing invested in the business, they lose nothing but the opportunity if they quit.
Most people come into this business with an employee mentality, expecting to get paid regularly whether they produce or not. When they discover that it takes prolonged effort over a period of time to get results in a network marketing business, they fold up shop and quit. Those who succeed in this business realize they are in this for the long haul, and that what they are investing is their time.
Many people simply never learn to treat it as a business, or to take it seriously. Their participation is occasional and halfhearted at best. If you had any other type business, would you expect to make money operating just a couple hours a week. The business can be built in cracks of time, but only if the affiliate is serious about doing it and treats it as a business.
A big part of the problem is simply human nature. For the most part, people get by doing as little as they possibly can. They are basically lazy, and building this business looks too much like work to them. They have never really learned to apply themselves to anything, thus this type business doesn't appeal to them at all. They are basically looking for something for nothing.
So what does that leave you with? It leaves you with 5% or less who treat this as a serious business, who dedicate themselves to making it happen, and who go on and build it to phenomenal levels. Those are the people who your organization and your business volume is based upon. That is more than enough to take you to any income level you might desire.